
Most people know propane as the fuel in a white container

  Hydrogen Gas is safer and cleaner than the more popular Propane, read on to find out more about using hydrogen to power your home or cars...
  The demand for Natural gas is growing faster than US market can feed it. Alaska took an important step forward in bringing a huge supply of natural gas to our nation. The proposed $25 billion natural gas pipeline will take estimated 35 trillion cubic feet of natural gas from Alaska's north slope to the Midweastern markets.

  Most people know propane as the fuel in a white container attached to a barbecue grill. But propane has long proven its versatility for heating homes, heating water, cooking, drying clothes, fueling gas fireplaces, and even as an alternative fuel for vehicles. However, most propane is used to make petrochemicals which are the building blocks for plastics, alcohols, fibers, and cosmetics, to name just a few.

  Propane naturally occurs as a gas at atmospheric pressure but can be liquefied if subjected to moderately increased pressure. It is stored and transported in its compressed liquid form, but by opening a valve to release propane from a pressurized storage container, it is vaporized into a gas for use. Simply stated, propane is always a liquid until it is used. Although propane is non-toxic and odorless, an identifying odor is added by manufacturers so the gas can be readily detected. A unique feature of propane is that it is not produced for its own sake, but is a by-product of two other processes, natural gas processing and Waterproof Lighting Fixture Suppliers petroleum refining.

  Hydrogen as an alternative to Propane, and how they compare

  In learning more about Hydrogen, We find Hydrogen is used extensively today to make ammonia, methanol, gasoline, heating oil, and rocket fuel. It is also used to make fertilizers, glass, refined metals, vitamins, cosmetics, semiconductor circuits, soaps, lubricants, cleaners, and even margarine and peanut butter.



Employment gaps in resumes may indicate

 Employment gaps in resumes may indicate that a person was somehow unemployable for that period – either because of difficult times in the ...